Georgia & Shaun

Autumn tones

A combination featuring standard and David Austin roses, ranunculus, pin cushions and eucalypt foliage.

bridal bouquet

Bright and vibrant bouquets in shades of orange, apricot and cream, offset by accents of blue sea holly created stunning bouquets for this Thredbo wedding. The Thredbo Chapel was decorated with simple pew bows featuring vibrant orange roses and ranunclus as well as a large pedestal arrangement.

The beautiful orange tones were continued on to the reception at The Denman Hotel where guest tables featured wreaths of moss, eucalpyt leaves, roses, tulips, carnations, ranunculas and pin cushions around elegant white lanterns and the bridal table was decorated with a long-low arrangement and rose petal scatter to coordinate. The cake, made by Contemplating Cakes, was adorned in two sprays of coordinating flowers wrapped around tiers of white and granite look fondant.

“Happy to give a reference if you ever need one :) Your flowers were AMAZING!!!!! Thank you heaps for all your work and for the beautiful flowers. I wish they lasted forever!”

Photography by Record Makers