Nadia & Andrew

Bohemian Brights

Beautiful bright bouquets of stunning hot-pink peonies, roses and Geraldton wax offset with vibrant orange spray-roses and a touch of the mountains including eucalypt foliage and alpine daisy. .

bridal bouquet

The bouquets were set off beautifully with the bridemaids wearing pale lilac dresses. The very gorgeous flowergirl carried her own mini version of the bouquets which was complemented by a flower crown of spray-roses, Geraldton wax and alpine daisy. The ceremony was held locally on the couple’s property. Bales of hay created the pews and the aisle was lined with black shepherd hooks with hanging jars filled with coordinating flowers, leading to the rustic timber arch decorated with blooms to match. The large cut-out LOVE sign created a memorable entrance to the venue as well as making for some great photos!

The reception, held at the Jindabyne Bowling Club was decorated with tables lined with assorted jars filled with bright flowers. The cake, another amazing creation by Contemplating Cakes, was decorated with pre-made sprays of roses, wax and peonies.

“Our sincere thanks to you for all the beautiful work on our day. The flowers were just gorgeous, everybody commented on the beautiful colours, we couldn’t have been happier with how they turned out!... Again, Chellie thank you so so much. You played a massive part in making our day as incredible as it was. Nadia & Andrew xx”

Photography by Tess Godkin